Bruce Paulson

Bruce Paulson is the owner of PaddleboardSurf and an avid water sports enthusiast with a lifelong passion for all things aquatic. From stand-up paddleboarding and surfing to boating, kayaking, and canoeing, he thrives on the joy of being on the water. As an advocate for water conservation and environmental stewardship, Bruce shares his adventures and insights through his writing, inspiring others to embrace the beauty and excitement of life on the water.

surfer going right on a wave

The Best Surfboard Bags

Looking for the Best Surfboard Bags for your next trip?If you surf, you have to travel.  It just comes with the territory.   If you’re gonna travel, you need a good bag to hold your boards and protect them from damage.   A good surfboard travel bag is an essential piece of gear and we’ve compiled a list

The Best Surfboard Bags Read More »